Events Services - St. George, Utah, United States
Pulsemob allows you to create, post and manage your event with ease. - LivingSocial, Groupon, Amazon local and others fully Integrated etc (Participants can redeem the voucher code at your event page, and you keep and retain that data)- Use our payment processor or you can your own.- Complete custom branded event pages to match your website or event - Mobile event Check-in app (iPhone, Android, iPad 2+ etc..)- Mobile participant Communication App (Awesome way to keep in contact with participants during/after events)- Mobile Payments (swipers included, linked directly to your Pulsemob account)- MailChimp integration - No advertisements- No banners- No Subscription offers- Universal Coupon Code (Setup a coupon code to be used for ANY of your events)- QR code ticketing system- Super Low fees- Free events are 100% free- Event Management Dashboard- Unlimited event creation - Social-Share integration (This feature allows buyers to instantly receive a discount if they share your event when purchasing)- Create multiple pages within the event page- Fundraiser pages- Custom reporting- Full CSS control- Sell Products- Partial Data Capture - Multiple charity options- Team creation- Mobile Race-CheckPoint entry - Coupon creation- Event Duplication- Custom processing fee (self merchant only)- Personal Fundraise pages- Analytics- Attendee Badge creator- BIB assignment & BIB number generator- Customizable and downloadable Reports- Ticket Sponsoring and so much more.
Ruby On Rails
Google Maps
Amazon AWS