Consumer Services - Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand
During a Start-up Weekend Pasifika in Porirua, 4th Nov 2017, I developed an idea to create a smartphone app which would help others like me with their weekly shopping, called Cheap Kai!. Users would be part of a community of like minded frugal shoppers, and regularly share information on their weekly grocery shopping prices, deals and locations. Users would use this information to plan out their shopping and have the freedom to choose the store or supermarket for the best prices.Putahi Innovations was created to support the Cheap Kai! app. Our small group used a social enterprise framework dedicated to providing products and services to support low income communities, families, and individuals. We are in the early development of the Cheap Kai! app, and researching other services and products; such as, future use of Cheap Kai! app to educate children in schools about budgeting, using the analytical data to develop other areas of consumer shopping and creating a supportive network.