Technology Consulting/Tech Services - Perth, N/A, AU
Whether you are looking for a one-off service or a long-term digital partner, we are here to help.Our digital services centre around the following themes:DIGITAL REVIEWS AND ANALYSISExpert reviewUseability testing and auditingAccessibility testing and auditingStakeholder consultation (interviews, surveys and workshops)Competitor evaluationDevelopment of personas & scenariosCustomer journey mappingCMS analysisGovernance analysisDIGITAL STRATEGIES AND PLANNINGDigital strategyContent strategyGovernance strategyDESIGN AND CREATIVEInformation architecture (navigation)Wireframe development/prototypes (design and navigation)Responsive design and development (mobile and website)Copywriting and copy-editing (content)OPTIMISATIONSite analyticsPDF optimisation (to improve accessibility and useability)SearchTRAININGWriting for the webCreating accessible and useable PDFsManaging digital contentDIGITAL MARKETING AND MANAGEMENTWebsite management and maintenance (web editing and ongoing strategic input)Social media managementeNewslettersSearch engine optimisationSearch engine marketing
Google Cloud Hosting
Mobile Friendly