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Over 10,000,000,000 mobile coupons will be redeemed this year!Use mobile to grow your business with QPon Compass.The power of mobile has never been stronger.Use QPon Compass to reach new customers and grow your business the latest mobile technology.QPon Compass puts you in complete control. Design the deal, pick an expiration, include any fine print, and click the publish button. Your QPon becomes instantly available to customers via their smartphones. And redeeming a QPon is safe, secure, and simple. QPon Compass is flexible. QPons are digital, and can be modified, extended, or canceled at any time. Create and publish as few or as many QPons as you'd like. There's no obligation, no limits.QPon Compass costs less than $10 a month to enroll annually, with very low revenue shared after the QPon is redeemed! No kidding, it's just that simple and affordable.Qpon Compass gives your business the ability to reach out to customers who could be standing right outside your door or miles away!Complete your QPon Compass business application to get started TODAY! Or contact us via email at info@qponcompass.com and we will be more than happy to answer all your questions and get you signed up!