E-learning - , ,
Quest is a proposed new model of learning that aims at developing the next generation of self-directed and lifelong learners who will tackle real-world global challenges that threaten the existence of humanity.The project will leverage real-time video interactions between self-initiated, microlearning communities built upon the booming population of students seeking a broader sense of understanding about the world and the limits of their own sphere of control.The pilot academic program is a semester-long virtual program that focuses on bringing back the lost tools of learning that were given to students in the Middle Ages via the trivium, the study of grammar, logic, and rhetoric. Modules include multimodal communication, complex systems, and networks, empirical, formal analysis, and integrated learning.Part of the project is a student-led global summit, named The Republic,Inspired by a Socratic dialogue, authored by Plato around 375 BC, the republic is a forum where students apply the acquired foundation concepts of the habits of the mind to engage in solving real-world challenges with stakeholders.