Entertainment - Caracas, Caracas Metropolitan District, Venezuela
Even the deepest human relationships, start at the surface: by spending time together, sharing interests, playing games and, believe it or not, by teasing each other. With this in mind, Quipus is designing an online Social Network, envisioned to generate joy and belonging in people.Joy and belonging will be achieved by developing and gamifying online activities, primarily related to Media Events, making sure those activities are simple, fun and compelling. These activities include: prediction pools, quizzes, chats, virtual spaces for small sized groups, virtual spaces for influencers, prediction brackets, polls and even learning and awareness online activities, that will encourage people's interactions with each other and, not less important, will encourage broad and deep engagement in both: Media Events as well as Events organized by the Quipus Community.Advertisers will appreciate higher the impact of their Digital Marketing Campaigns, resulting from powerful segmentation capabilities, at times when people's awareness is higher due to the imminency of the respective Event.Event's Sponsors will be interested in such broader engagement (time span and depth) by both: their natural followers and their community. Studies show that immersion on any Event tends to be deeper if audience can share their experience via Social Networks. So far, we have experimented with more than 20 Events, including The Oscars, The Miss Universe, The Super Bowl, as well as Events in-house developed by ourselves at Quipus, such as: iWorldcup (imaginary soccer World Cup), Corporate Towers of Caracas (architecture appreciation activity), and Parrots of Venezuela (wildlife awareness activity), among others.A "Quipus Social Network Prototype" is being designed and developed, primarily to allow us to experiment with the Social Networking experience of the Quipus User.If you reached this paragraph: are you ready to help us to advance?
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