Religious Institutions - Newport, Oregon, United States
Our Vision: That those who attend Newport Foursquare Church will...Encounter ChristEmbrace a loving people and a loving GodEngage in our corporate and their personal mission in the power of The Holy Spirit.Embark on their ministry toward their destinyOur Mission: That we would walk in T.R.U.T.HTell everyone we can about Christ. (Col 4:5) Evangelism; Bring up God in day to day conversation, be ready with an explanation of why salvation is necessary. Also, write and share your testimony. Connect everything we do to a soul.Respond to the needs of others, in love. (1 Pet. 4:10) Ministry; Where are some places you can help in the church? Outside the church?Unite in His name. (Rom. 12:5) Fellowship; You meet here on Sundays and Wednesdays . Is there anywhere else you can build relationships with other friends that are believers? How can you include Pre-Christians?Train in righteousness. (Phil. 2:5) Discipleship; Again, We gather on Sundays and Wednesdays to learn more about Jesus and how we can be more like Him. We base our view of God and life upon scripture (Learn from wisdom, not consequences). Not simply to act, but to act wisely and skillfully.Honor God with our whole lives. (Mk. 12:30) Worship; To honor God with your whole lives is very broad. Because it is not just music, it can include all of the above.Our ValuesThat we would be people known by their G.R.A.C.E.Growing- Into Action-oriented, Christ-centered disciples through Biblical teaching in mentoring relationships. Relationships- Pursuing and accepting others in a gracious, loving, healthy way. This includes ministry. We "Do Church" as a team.Authenticity- Real people, being real with each other and living what they believe.Compassion- Meeting the needs of those across the street and around the world.Empowering- Releasing others to do the impossible through the power of The Holy Spirit.
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