Broadcast Media - , ,
Our lives may be boring,but it doesn't have to be ! Interesting persons and events are all around us. Just tune in and enjoy.This is the first online radio station by the medical students,of the medical students,for the medical students.Feel free to join us if you are a medical student or a doctor.Its your radio,its our radio.You are always welcome to share with us your ideas and creativity.This is the first endeavor of its kind undertaken by medical students of our country.So we will face many problems,there may be many shortcomings but we expect to go a long way if you stay with us,support and encourage us."Keep calm and stay tuned."#radiomedituneTo listen to our programs, you can download the app listen2myradio from google play store. Install it on your android and search for our station Radio Meditune. You will need data connection for playing our online radio.Or you can simply go to the following address:radiomeditune.radiostream321.comradiomeditune.listen2myshow.comradiomeditune.radio12345.comradiomeditune.radiostream123.comTo send us your recorded content, email us: radiomeditune@gmail.comTo follow our shows and give your thoughts about our programs, check out our facebook page.