Media Production - București, Municipiul București, Romania
Radio Romania International (Radio România Internaţional - RRI) is a department of the Romanian national public radio, SRR (Societatea Română de Radiodifuziune). \\RRI's mission is to promote the image of Romania and its internal and foreign policy.\\Through its broadcasts in Romanian and in the Macedo-Romanian dialect, RRI is a bridge with Romanians and Macedo-Romanians all over the world.\\At the same time, RRI‘s goal is to build an information bridge between Romania, our geographical space and our foreign audience from the target areas. RRI has programmes in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish and Ukrainian.\\RRI produces and broadcasts 54 hours of radio programmes a day on 3 channels, on short waves (analogue and digital - DRM/Digital Radio Mondiale), over the Internet, at (live streaming and on demand), via satellite in Europe. A selection of our programmes are released by partners in Romania, in Europe, Australia and North America (radio, Internet, cable, mobile and landline phone - only in the USA).\\RRI is involved in international radio projects, such as EuranetPlus (financed by the DG Connect of the European Commission) or Francophonie 3.0 (financed by OIF - International Organisation of La Francophonie).\\Affiliations:\- AIB (Association for International Broadcasting)\- CIBAR (Conference of International Broadcasters‘ Audience Research Services)\- DRM Consortium (Digital Radio Mondiale) - DRM Supporter\- Comunità Radiotelevisiva Italofona
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