Public Relations & Communications - Phoenix, Arizona, United States
ðHelping High Performers Sky Rocket Their Sales and Land Their Dream Clients!
Rainmaker Media Group LLC is a professional public relations and media services firm, specializing in economic development marketing in Indian County.We understand that for economic enterprise owners and operators, their attention and focus is often stretched thin; dealing with the day-to-day requirements of business, clients, and loved ones.We hear time and time again, from owners & operators; they do not have enough time to invest into their company's brand and reputation, despite recognizing the importance of public relations and media in sales & business development.Therefore, we've created a simple public relations and media program to assist owners & operators understand the content creation and dissemination process and help to develop consistent & engaging content for their clients, prospects and followers.Although building and maintaining an enterprise's brand and reputation is a priceless value, we have formulated the program to be easily tailored to meet a variety of budgets and needs.Rainmaker Media Group LLC provides website content, social media, newsletters, press releases and other services to our enterprise clientele to ensure their content is consistent, engaging and valuable to their customers, prospects and followers.We are looking to help those enterprise owners and operators who wish to focus on the product and service of their company while not worrying about the marketing and public relations components that may seem foriegn.
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