Information Technology & Services - , , Indonesia
Currently, Indonesia has entered the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 where information technology is developing very rapidly. Technology is needed by humans to simplify work and add value to productivity and efficiency of time and energy. Application development is one example of the use of digital technology needed in various fields of science, as well as in the fields of ecology and forestry. Therefore, is here to facilitate the process of collecting and processing data in the fields of ecology and forestry.Saat ini Indonesia sudah memasuki era Revolusi Industri 4.0 di mana teknologi informasi berkembang sangat pesat. Teknologi diperlukan manusia untuk memudahkan pekerjaan dan menambah nilai produktivitas serta efisiensi waktu maupun tenaga. Pengembangan aplikasi merupakan salah satu contoh pemanfaatan teknologi digital yang diperlukan di berbagai bidang sains, begitu pula di bidang ekologi dan kehutanan. Oleh karena itu, hadir untuk mempermudah proses pengumpulan dan pengolahan data di bidang ekologi dan kehutanan.
Ruby On Rails
Google Tag Manager
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