Staffing & Recruiting - , ,
RatedProfiles is brought to you by the renowned Kenvivo Communications India Pvt Ltd based out of Coimbatore.The name RatedProfiles is self explanatory since we showcase only the rated profiles. We are working to create a platform to link the Job Seekers, Employers, the students and the academic institutions under a single roof to recruit and engage wannabe talent. Our vision is to provide a distinct identity and an equal opportunity for every student from the nook and corner of our country. We believe that this can be achieved by taking them online and creating a community of authenticated users.RatedProfiles helps Job Seekers, Employers reduce cost and time, increase students' reach and engagement. We help colleges in Tier II cities to get online and to create brand leverage for themselves with other reputed colleges, and increase placements.Students of registered colleges get access to quality study materials and also will be able to showcase themselves using their global homepage link and online video profile. botcor
Route 53
Google Tag Manager
Google Apps
Amazon AWS