Health, Wellness & Fitness - Shanghai, Shanghai, China
RAWK is the leading provider in Shanghai of tailor-made, macro nutrition based fitness food, delivered daily. Macro-nutrition is a proven concept in western fitness markets and we are the first company bringing this to China. We are now working with multiple restaurants and catering companies in Shanghai to scale up our market. Our mission is to become the No.1 fitness food brand in China that provides clean, functional and personalised fitness food, backed by world-class customer service and online support. RAWK是国内首家将欧美成熟的健身饮食科学Macro Nutrition引入的健身饮食品牌,总公司设于上海。用户从在线营养咨询,定制饮食到一键配送,快速方便地解决了健身人群无法找到合适的饮食这一痛点。食谱由法国蓝带厨师学院毕业的专业运动营养师及厨师开发,使用优质食材及高端烹饪方式,是国内健身饮食中的专业高端体验。