Government Administration - Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Regional Development Australia is a partnership between Australian, State and Local Governments to strengthen regional communities and ensure their long-term sustainability.There are 55 RDA Committees around Australia, including 12 in Queensland, each made up of community leaders with a strong "grass roots" understanding of their regions. RDA Committees work with their communities to identify opportunities, challenges and priorities for action.Regional Development Australia Ipswich & West Moreton (RDA-I&WM) was established in late 2009, and represents the Ipswich, Lockyer Valley, Somerset and Scenic Rim Local Government Areas. However RDA-I&WM looks beyond boundaries to see the region in its entirety. By working at this level, RDA-I&WM is able to plan strategically and address issues within a regional context. It is particularly concerned with promoting sustainable economic growth.The RDA-I&WM Committee works with all levels of government and government agencies to support regional planning. It also provides advice to local communities and government on programs, services and investment to help develop new opportunities in the region.