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Founded at Princeton University in 2013, Read Record Replay uses technology to connect university students with their local communities. The goal is twofold: to encourage civic engagement among young people and to foster a love for reading at an early age, achieved through a simple three-step model: 1) Read: A university "host organization" -- sports team, Greek organization, group of dorm residents, honors college, etc. -- collects picture books in a standard community book drive. 2) Record: In a campus "Recordathon," held by the host organization, volunteers record themselves reading these books out loud on our online database, creating a homemade audiobook with a personal touch. The physical book is matched with its recording via a code attached to both portions. 3) Replay: The host organization distributes the physical books to local elementary schools in need. Kids can access the audio component on our website through the ID code and read along to the engaging voice. Teachers can use this reading time to supplement classroom activity and to gather data about their students' reading habits.
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