Education/Training - Docklands, VIC, AU
Connecting quality educators with colleges in adult education, delivering the following courses:\\-ELICOS\-IELTS \-Cambridge & other exam preparation \-Vocational courses (Business, Accounting, Project Management, CSWE)\\For the following services:\\-Same-day relief placements (minimum 3 hours)\-Extended period relief placements (up to 3 months)\-Ongoing employee introductions\\Our hourly pricing:\\$50-60/hr plus superannuation\\What our colleges say:\\'It's just so easy for me to use your service and get on with other work' - Academic Manager, Lonsdale Institute Melbourne\\'C is a dream - is she available full-time?' - Academic Manager, Greenwich English Melbourne\\'P is a perfect fit for our college' - ADOS, UIT\\For more information, please call Sarah on 0402 420 422.