Management Consulting - Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
REAL Consulting is a leading results-based organisational development, performance management and executive coaching provider. As management consulting specialists, REAL provides world-class coaching and consulting programmes to uncover and develop the limitless potential that exists within leaders and their teams. It takes as much unwavering courage, dogged determination and resilience as it does skill to succeed. In the current economic climate business leaders need to get real; they need the strength of character and conviction to do what is right for their business, albeit not always easy. Although our processes are challenging and often confrontational, results make it worth it. Promises of no-hassle, quick-and-easy, no-pain-all-gain solutions are lies. Get REAL! Our leadership consulting and training is based on the strategies of Fortune 500 business leaders. The result? Unprecedented, sustainable bottom-line growth. Real will share in our client's risk through a unique Risk Accountability model. This works on a no delivery, no payment basis. Gates, Branson, Trump, Winfrey, Welch and others realised and achieved their huge and ongoing success by simply realising their potential. We will help you realise yours!