Alternative Medicine - Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Owner, Acupuncturist, Recall Healing Practitioner Owner, Acupuncturist, Recall Healing Practitioner
The Rebalance name comes from a combination of two of the most effective treatment methods in alternative and holistic medicine: Recall healing and Balance Method Acupuncture. Balance Method acupuncture is a fast and very effective acupuncture method based on geometric principles and which incorporates additional acupuncture points, and has shown to have even better results compared to common Acupuncture.Recall Healing is a deep and transformative healing methodology which works through conversation and an exploration of the patient's subconscious patterning. It treats the emotional root cause of diseases, patterns and behaviours from a fundamental level and has shown to have fast and effective results in treating and transforming many chronic diseases.Elad Shalev, RAc is the founder of Rebalance and has over 20 years of experience working with holistic medicine across both Israel and Canada.Acupuncture and Recall Healing are able to treat most illnesses, injuries and conditions. At Rebalance we use one or a combination of these methods for treatment as well as offering other acupuncture related services such as cupping and acupressure.
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