Design - Albino, Lombardia, Italy
RebelArchitette team / Digital activists advocating for equality and inclusion in architectureARCHITETTE·WEDNESDAY, 12 DECEMBER 2018Born in may 2017 ARCHITETTE-ARCHIWOMEN facebook platform showcased 365 women architects online to coincide with the opening of Venice Biennale 2018 / ARCHITETTE one SHE-ARCHITECT PER DAY! The team called REBELARCHITETTE is a collective of creative professionals, empowering women in architectureACTIVITY• Promoting female role models to students and young generations of architects through the Facebook platform and the digital book ARCHITETTE=WOMENARCHITECTS here we are! • Promoting the correct use and dissemination of ARCHITETTA (as the gendered ITALIAN term for women architects)• Mentoring young generation of future architects through local activities and online news• Monitoring Juries and panels; advocating for equality in architecturewith #timefor50 TIMEFOR50 REPORT AND CAMPAIGN LAUNCH#timeforequality #tempodiparità
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