Marketing and Advertising - Maroochydore, Queensland, Australia
Rebl Corp was established in 2012 and has its Australian head office located in Minyama, on Queensland's SunshineCoast.Founded by Michael Maunder, who is a small business start up and growth specialist, the Rebl Corp group ofcompanies include Digital Rebl, Media Rebl and Business Rebl.For more than 15 years Michael has worked closely with small business owners and during that time he identifiedtheir need for CRM and software platforms coupled with additional features and packages of content (includingvideo), digital marketing services, and business systems and resources.Rebl Corp's software and service packages are continuously evolving based on market opportunity and clientfeedback.They are designed to assist usually time & resource challenged small business owners so that they can stay in touchwith, and market to, customers and importantly, help them sustainably grow their business.