Information Services - Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Red Team WA was formed for one purpose: to provide small businesses, not-for-profits and charities with solutions to address areas of risk across their organisations, at an accessible cost.It does this by leveraging the vast experience of its consultants who come from a diverse range of sectors such as Special Forces, Internal Affairs, Cyber Security, Drone Surveillance, Private Investigation, WAPOL, Politics, HR, Communications, Marketing and Strategic Consulting.In an increasingly competitive market place, Red Team WA gives your business an edge by detecting areas of risk and providing realistic, proven solutions. We do this by using the tactic of Red Teaming.Red Teaming views a problem through the eyes of a competitor and probes selected areas of a business to find weakness and exploit them for a competitive advantage. By adopting this approach, Red Teaming allows us as consultants to find your areas for improvement before your competitors do. We are your Devil's Advocate.Every assessment Red Team WA performs is bespoke to your organisation and delivered at an affordable cost. We give you access to business intelligence normally reserved for the upper echelon of the corporate world.Why? Because we want to democratise risk reduction for the people of Western Australia. We want to disrupt the normal state of consultancy by exposing the regimentation of mediocrity and together with your business making Western Australia a more productive and competitive place.