Social Services - N/A, N/A, N/A
Thank you for visiting Redeeming Joy! It is an honor to join the journey of healing with the ladies of Redeeming Joy. As a survivor of sex trafficking myself, I am in awe each and every day to see how God has redeemed my life and hasn't wasted a single moment. It is because of my story of healing and the journey God still has me on that I can speak with confidence that our God does redeem, he restores and he loves like crazy. Since I was a little girl God has given me a passion to let others know that their life is of great value and that they are worthy of God's crazy awesome love. It is this passion that has brought about Redeeming Joy. Over the years God has brought women into our family to speak life and truth into. We have never had all the answers but we know who does and love showing them to the Father who is the holder of all truth. A few years ago we began volunteering for an amazing ministry which rescued sex trafficked women and would help find placement for them. During this time of volunteering we saw the great need for a safe place of healing for these women and began to hear God calling us to open a home. After much prayer we opened our home and family to be a safe place for healing for a precious young lady. It was through that experience that as a family God gave us a specific vision to begin Redeeming Joy. As a family we look forward to the many lives that God will allow us to live life with as they experience God's desire for redemption and restoration.Shout for Joy--Our God Redeems.
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