Real Estate - , ,
redguide is the only objective website we know of for real estate in Mexico.We offer an honest perspective, like Consumer Reports®. Most real estate sites, as you probably already know, are written by sellers pitching their products. Everything's always "breathtaking" and "gorgeous." We seldom say anything is breathtaking. But when we do, it is.We're not brokers or sellers. We're travel writers, architects, and filmmakers. We have personally inspected, photographed, and reviewed every real estate development here. For our videos, we interview locals to get to the essence of each place -- what it's really like to live there. We take lots of photos and put our flower logo in the corner to distinguish our images from photos and computer renderings provided by sellers.Making this site has been a labor of love for us, and we hope it saves you a lot of legwork ... what you can do in an evening on this site would take you weeks on the ground. It's free to users, thanks to developers who pay us to send out their brochures in our kits and brokers who pay us to advertise in our Broker Finder.
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