Internet - Orangeville, Ontario, Canada
Want in on a secret? I'm not a natural redhead. We just go for what we want and we get it.Redhead Media is a sole proprietorship social media and content creation endeavour serviced by the redhead herself: Addie Sorrell. Born a blonde, this illustrious leader has been a redhead for the majority or her life, and she's been going after what she wants for even longer. The premise behind Redhead Media is to stop blending in and get exactly the results you want for your small business. We use dynamic content and powerful social media strategy to keep all eyes on your business and make sure to attract only the right audience.We specialize in small business because we know what it's like - you're handling everything with limited staff or no one at all and social media takes time and dedication to be done right. We have the dedication and we make the time to make sure every Tweet, status, and blog post is crafted with your business and follower in mind.Visit Redhead Media's website for more information on what we do, how we do it, and why we can help your business!