Publishing - Koblenz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
red.web is a business unit of the Koblenz-based publishing house Mittelrhein-Verlag Gmbh,publisher of the Rhein-Zeitung newspaper and its local editions. It is also the name of a web-basedmultimedia publishing system. In 2003 the idea to develop a web-based publishing system was conceived. And thus red.web wasborn. Within two years and on schedule, our developers created a software which was completelynew on the market. The innovative system quickly began to garner interest. Since then, thousands of media professionals in many newspaper offices and publishing housesacross Germany have worked with our trendsetting software – in cities such as Berlin, Bonn,Bielefeld, Heidelberg and Bayreuth. And red.web is also used every day in news organisationsabroad – in countries such as the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Switzerland, Sweden and is used to produce over 200 newspaper and magazine titles in a wide range of languages.Many websites and apps are recorded using the software. In the years since 2012, more than tenpublishers have started production using red.web. In these companies, the existing publishingsystems have been deleted and forward-looking workflows have been implemented using red.web.From the beginning, our focus was the development of a system which adapts to suit all possiblemarket requirements which currently exist and, most of all, which will arise in future. Using thebrowser-based red.web tools, editors and journalists can work on their content constantly andwithout delay regardless of the media and publish it in all possible channels in a media-specificmanner. The software enables the users to concentrate on the content and its quality. Until now,more than 25 media companies, who publish many daily and weekly newspapers and host digitaland mobile presences, have already recognised the advantages of red.web.
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