Leisure/Hospitality - Jersey City, NJ, US
ReliantMD, LLC provides practice management and professional billing service dedicated to meeting all of the insurance and patient billing needs of your practice. We offer a variety of highly personalized services that can improve your cash flow and lower your operating expenses. Our services are specifically designed to meet the needs of individual and small group practices.ReliantMD, LLC carefully balances our client base in order to ensure that each client will receive our complete and undivided attention! Benefits of our Service:-Frees you of the burden of billing & collections.-Eliminates provider/patient payment discussion.-Reduces staff which eliminates sick pay, vacation pay, insurance benefits, etc.-Eliminates costly & unproductive training periods.-No capital investment in software and/or hardware.-Allows you to focus on treating your patients and generating new business.-Fees based on collection results.Improper filing causes a high percentage of rejected claims and delayed payments to providers. Rejected and re-processed claims directly impact the cash flow position of any medical practice. These denied claims generally require extensive follow-up and resubmitted claims prior to actual payment by the carrier. Medical claims billing is greatly facilitated through the use of an electronic claims processing system.Our service:-keeps track of each carrier's specific requirements.-significantly reduces the rejection percentage.-greatly accelerates the payment turnaround time.We begin each relationship with understanding our customer's needs. Open communication and transparency are at every stage of the partnership. We listen to our customers and take a proactive role to improve each client's business. We understand how important your work is and know we can play a significant role in helping you meet your day-to-day challenges.
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