Semiconductors - Berkeley, California, United States
RAEL is an intellectual and practical innovation hub where the drivers of sustainable energy systems encounter the mix of scientific and technical, policy, and market opportunities and barriers that communities and the world face are the subject of academic linking to the wider world.RAEL is decade-old unique multidisciplinary research group that is focused on the systems science of clean and sustainable energy systems. RAEL projects range from involvement from small communities struggling to meet energy access needs, to large-scale regional grids where technologies, policies, and usage patterns are all in play to build energy systems we need for participants and or the planet. RAEL has been involved in the design of specific legislation (e.g. California's AB32, and Executive Orders S-7–01, the Low Carbon Fuel Standard), and Property Assessed Clean Energy (named by Scientific American as the #1 World Changing idea of 2009), and its founder Professor Kammen launched the first field-based study of the dose-response benefits of clean cookstoves (Ezzati and Kammen, 2002).