Biotechnology - Long Beach, California, United States
Rentar's patented technology (27 domestic and international patents) has been verified by EPA and CARB recognized laboratories. Some noteworthy examples are Southwest Research Institute, the U.S. Army's Aberdeen Proving Ground, Virginia Tech University and internationally by government recognized facilities in Italy, Venezuela and England.On-road vehicles achieve a guaranteed 2% to 5% reduction in fuel consumption with up to 50% Greenhouse Gas, Particulate Matter and Soot reductions. Off-road vehicles achieve a guaranteed 5% to 8% reduction in fuel consumption, with up to 50% Greenhouse Gas, Particulate Matter and Soot reduction. Furnaces / Boilers achieve a guaranteed 8% to 30% fuel reduction with up to 50% Greenhouse Gas, Particulate Matter and Soot reductions.The Rentar Fuel Catalyst is a cost effective means of managing fuel consumption and emission reduction. The cost of the Rentar Fuel Catalyst is typically recovered through fuel savings within 3 to 12 months. (ROI)