Business Supplies & Equipment - Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Office Printing is a necessary evil. People may be printing a lot less than they were 10 years ago, but we are still a long way from the end of paper in the office. So you need a printer. What are your options?You could walk down to your local retailer like Staples or Office Depot and pick a cheap printer. While the initial price is attractive, the performance will not support anything above 2-3 employees. When you make the second trip back to buy your supplies, that's when you discover they cost more than the device! That's no way to run your railroad. You need something more robust. Something more economical on a cost per page basis.You can also call your local Office Equipment dealership. They will send out a saleperson who's primary job is sell you the biggest printer you can afford. They make a great commission and drive really nice cars. You will likely get something that performs well, but you may end up with something well beyond your needs. The price is not far off that of a new car, or your monthly rent. So, that's not a good track to go down, either.Dude, its only printing! That's where comes in. You can't print on a toy. You also don't need to invest in a big piece of hardware. Renting a printer gives you much more flexibility, and helps your cashflow. Technology today from software to services are paid for on a monthly basis. It is consistent and predicatble. Printing should be the same.Join the Printing Revolution
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