Management Consulting - Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
Our MissionRep Athletics is a global movement. Our mission is to educate every global team on the need to "Protect Their REP" by acknowledging the need to Respect Every Play. On or off the sports and professional fields, there is a need to rally around this mission. Through the use of our Personal Development Playbook, we will continually find forums to share our vision. There is only one choice. REP ATHLETICS...RESPECT EVERY PLAY!Since our "REP Is On The Line" every day on the playing field of life, REP Athletics takes a strong stand in every arena. Through corporate educational seminars, REP rallies in schools and neighborhoods, national REP tours and conventions, fund raising initiatives and involvement in community events, we continue to spread our mission and message throughout the world.REP In the Classroom: The SOS (Save Our Students) call has gone out and REP is responding! Through the use of our REP Personal Development Playbook, we are committed to participating in the rescue of every student. We welcome every invitation to bring our REP Team into your classroom. This will allow us to motivate, inspire, and encourage your teachers and students alike. Through an interactive, fun, yet powerful presentation, we will stress the need for students to become responsible parties and participate through their actions in their own rescue.