Consumer Services - Warren, Michigan, United States
RepoMax Auctions was founded in July of 2009. From the very beginning we set out to create a business that would provide an exceptional service to businesses and individuals trying to navigate this current economic crisis. We realized that just about everyone has something to sell and other online platforms like craigslist and ebay just weren't able to meet certain needs or industries. Several months of research into our own Detroit metro stomping grounds indicated that a traditional auction house with an online bidding platform would be the perfect business model for the markets we wanted to target. By offering a large storage facility where bidders can inspect items in person and an online bidding platform that has 5 or 10 times the number of bidder than a traditional live auction, we eliminate the risks that are associated with sites like craigslist, eBay and live auctioneers. With our model the buyer, seller and auction house all win! In the last year, RepoMax Auctions has emerged as one of the leading online auction houses in Michigan. We have developed a reputation for being the place where people can get great market value for their items. In 2013, RepoMax expanded its services by starting a sister company Simply Amazing Estate Sales. Whether we are holding an traditional residential sale, and online estate sale auction or bringing back an entire estate to our warehouse we have the capabilities to accommodate just about everyone. Tag sale or online auction– we can do it! 2014 will be another huge year of growth for us! Having nearly doubled our bidder base in the last year we are making the jump from 250 lot auctions to 500 lot auctions. The bidder base and quality of items is making us excited for the future! A brand new website, new marketing avenues and an experienced sales team will help us become the #1 auction house around!
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