Research - Grand-Saconnex, Geneva, Switzerland
The Research Fairness Initiative (RFI) aims to to set an International Standard for Research Partnerships. It was a concept developed by Council of Health Research & Development (COHRED, established in 1993) after the realization that there were no standard or benchmark describing best practice in research collaborations, especially regarding international collaboration for research and innovation. It encourages all research organisation to describe how they take measures to ensure their partnerships create value by being fair, transparent, trusting and effective. Later a subscription based institutional tool was implemented in 2018 after three years of consultation with all the major players in research and science - in all areas and trials mostly in Africa. The tool asks organisations about their existing research partnership practices/policy in three dimensions - fairness of opportunity, fair process and fair sharing of cost, benefits & outcomes and how they intend to improve over the next two years based on the international guidelines. The report generated is verified and certified by the RFI team. The organisation can publish and share the reports among external stakeholders. Please find some of our published reports - of a RFI certified report - -Will improve existing research partnership practices of your organisation -Building trust among research partners and sponsors-Creates a transparent governance system-Capacity building -Increase visibility and research opportunities in international markets-Better financial management system and equality in compensation-Knowledge sharing of intellectual properties-One standard research partnership policy for all-Acknowledging research contribution & credits-To achieve partnership goals for sustainable development
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