Management Consulting - Columbus, Ohio, United States
We help organizations turn innovation and growth into a repeatable business process. Most people think that innovation is inherently messy and risky. It is true that new product/service success rates are notoriously low. However, that's due to how organizations are executing it, not because innovation is inherently risky or messy.I have seen this hundreds of times and it still pains me because it doesn't have to be that way. Innovation should never be a guessing game. You deserve to know exactly what customers want before you generate ideas. Specialties: #jtbd, #jobstobedone, #innovation, #innovationmanagement #Customerinsight, #strategy, #growthstrategy, #customerexperience, #toplinegrowth, #revenuegeneration, #growthstrategy, #revenuegrowth, #strategicplanning, #ideageneration, #marketresearch, marketing, sales, value proposition development, messaging and positioning, value creation, #newproductdevelopment, stage-gate product development.
Blue Host
Microsoft Office 365