Advertising/Marketing/PR - South Glastonbury, CT, US
Most businesses rely on Word-Of-Mouth and Recommendations to gain their best new clients. Online review sites like Yelp, Google, Angie's List, TripAdvisor and dozens of others can make permanent records of customer feedback. Unfortunately, the vast majority of a businesses customers may be satisfied, but they are often silent. Those customers that are unhappy are far more vocal and are 3x more likely to post a review than a happy customer. ReviewTree turns the tables on this scenario by getting happy customers to publicly share their praise for the businesses they like. Unhappy customers are given an easier channel to vent their concerns in a manner more private than posting it online. Business owners get better chance of resolving their customers concerns. ReviewTree is a subscription based business that helps tap into positive customer sentiment, improve business process, and generate more new business from the best marketing channel of all, YOUR CUSTOMERS!
Square, Inc.
Google Apps
GoDaddy Hosting