Financial Services - Charlotte, NC, US
Team lead /Account manager Sr. software Developer /Database Administrator
Labworks, LLC runs RIA Database, Registered Rep Database, Family Office Database, Bank/Trust Database, RIA Channel and Virtual Summits, LLC.With over 400 financial services clients and 2,000 users, RIA Database is the largest provider of financial advisor profile data in the industry. We provide searchable, downloadable data to mutual funds, hedge funds, broker/dealers, bankers, advisors, recruiters and anyone trying to reach financial intermediaries.Our data is current, timely, relevant and unique. We gather original research daily, and integrate with every CRM including an easy data import wizard with marketing services division provides advisor webcasts to a community of over 350,000 financial advisors. We produce over 100 webcasts annually, with an average audience of 700 advisors.
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