Architecture & Planning - Rome, Lazio, Italy
Rilievi srl was created in 2008 on initiative of a group of experienced professionals in conservation of Cultural Heritage.•TECHNOLOGY AND KNOW-HOWThe long time experience of professionals, that since 1992 have been collaborating with Universities, Superintendence and architecture's offices, combined with a particular attention to the market of innovative instrumentation and of "intelligent" software, allows Rilievi to be always at the state-of-the-art and to be able to offer products of high information content.•OFFERThe services offered by Rilievi consist in surveys, projects and researches in all of its areas of intervention and specifically in every area:•ARCHAEOLOGYArchaeological assistance to excavation sites, drawings, technical analysis of monuments (metrology, anastylosis, dynamics of collapse) cataloguing, filing and study of materials; didactic activity; didactic and popular specialistic publications, Geographical Informative System (GIS), restoration of the archaeological and artistic patrimony, planning of archaeological areas, cultural tourism, surveys, non destructive investigations. •ARCHITECTURERestoration and conservation of historical and monumental structures, drawings (topography, cartography, stereophotogrammetry, laser scanning 3D), non destructive investigations, researches, didactic, popular and specialistic publications. •ETHNO-ANTHROPOLOGYCataloguing and study of material and immaterial patrimony, carrying out field researches and elaboration of data, elaboration of specialistic, didactic and popular publications, elaboration and realization of projects for the promotion and the preservation of the ethno-anthropological cultural patrimony, arrangement of exhibition, conferences and workshops related to ethno-anthropological issues, organization and management of technical and specialistic training actions for local personnel in the framework of projects aimed at sustainable development.