E-learning - Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
Rite-Solutions is a content Service provider company that helps our customers realize the full potential of Exam. Our 150 employees design, develop, and create fruitful content so that learning as well as practice never been stopped.We are presently focuc and committed for all exam which held in India and we are Providing below services in E-learning Industries-1-Content development2-Content writing3-Academic K-12 project4-Online teaching5-Online tutoring6-Solution provider7-Content creation8-Video Creation for online Portal9-Linhuistic Services10-Foreign Language Training ProgramWe have a team of 120 people and we are dealingin-🧠🧠🧠K-12Engineering ExamMedical ExamIIT JAM ExamCA EXAMLIC EXAMBANK ExamRailways ExamCTET & State TET ExamUGC NET ExamSCHOLARSHIP EXAMAll Regional government examApart from this we are also providing assistance in Edutech Domain-🎉🎉🎉1-Notes For online Platform2-IIT JEE Notes3-NEET Exam Notes4-Live Lecture Power presentation (PPT for tutoring)5- Test series6-Subject Notes7- Personalized Counselling Services