Photography - Mountain View, California, United States
***Sometimes it is the texture,Sometimes the contrast,Sometimes it is the beauty,And sometimes it is all of the above.But sometimes, it is E… none of the above.Photography is a dynamic art,Dynamic in vision: An illusive mistress.***As a self-taught photographer, I have chosen to work primarily in Black & White, with a goal of making photographs with a purity: no cropping, no manipulation, just the perfect picture. For the most part, my pictures are printed full frame, so as to keep true and honest, to the original framing of the shot.I shoot only film, preferring its quality and texture, to digital; and my subjects tend to be mountains, or animals, and everything interesting, in-between.All of my photographs are shot with either, a Nikon FE 35mm, a Pentax 67II medium format (which has replaced my Mamiya 645 1000s medium format) or a Horseman 45FA 4x5 large format, camera – all are definitely a far cry from my childhood Kodak Box Camera.
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