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ROC Archive is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit regional audiovisual education archive dedicated to collecting, preserving and providing access to an artistic and historical record across the region's diverse rural, suburban and urban socioeconomic cultures and heritages.The region includes social interactions found across New York State, Connecticut, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.The archive focuses on newsreels, home movies, audio recordings, video recordings and all other audiovisual tools and media, still or moving image, organized to capture the region's cultural development overtime.We value the significant stories of the individuals, families and groups captured on media by safeguarding these artifacts in perpetuity for family, community and scholarly use.The ROC Archive concept is inspired by two existing and working models:Northeast Historic Film in Bucksport, ME also a regional audiovisual archive and George Eastman Museum in Rochester, NY which focuses on professionally produced and released feature and short length films.We serve the public by preserving audiovisual media as sharable, historic and cultural records that otherwise might be lost. We catalogue, digitize, organize and make these assets accessible to the community.ROC Archive will be sustained througha combination of earned income from operations and support from interested local, regional, national partners and benefactors.We offer duplication and transfer services that specialize in moving image, still image and audio materials of home and professional use formats.If you would like to learn more about our mission, share your images or make a tax- deductible donation towards our mission please contact us or follow us on social media.Our collections feature diversity insubject, mediums and film stock. Including, Sonochrome, Orthochromatic, Panchromatic, Kodachrome and Kodacolor, the first color process for home movies using lenticular mirrors in the base on the black and whi
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