Government Administration - Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
The main objective of the Romanian Railway Investigating Body - OIFR activity is to investigate serious accidents on the railway system. Also, OIFR may investigate those accidents and incidents which under slightly different conditions might have led to serious accidents, including technical failures of the structural subsystems or of interoperability constituents of the trans-European high speed or conventional rail systems. OIFR is organized and is functioning according to the provisions of the Law no.55/16.03.2006 on the railway safety and of the Government Decision no. 1561/01.11.2006, modifying and completing the Government Decision no. 626/1998 on the Romanian Railway Authority - AFER organizing and functioning. The OIFR's aim is to establish the causes of the railway events and incidents by an open investigation and eventually to release safety recommendations in order to contribute to a better railway safety and to prevent the rail accidents.The investigation shall in no case be concerned with apportioning blame or liability.