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A professional looking web site is vital to your company message and is essential in building trust with new customers. Let us help you make a splash!Are you Ready for a New Website?Whether you need a redesign or starting from scratch we can help you! At Rose for Design, we know every great business deserves a great website. We design for both large and small companies but with our affordable prices we help your bottom line by providing you with an affordable web design option.We are in business too and understand that getting the bang for your buck is important – No matter what your budget is, we work to deliver the results that you're looking, and do it quickly and professionally. Our PhilosophyMake it affordable- We try to deliver the quality at affordable prices. Make it simple to update- Not everyone can read code and we believe you should not have to pay someone else to update your site for you! Our user friendly interface allows you to make changes to your site once we are done with our coding magic!Make it beautiful and functional- We understand that a web site is an experience. Everything from the colors, layout, fonts, imagery, and video all make your customers feel a certain way. That experience can make or break their decision to "buy" what you're selling. We help you create a unique, experience that communicates who you are and what your product is about. We invest the time to know you, your business, and formulate a strategy to get your users to take action. We also work with you to deliver exactly the site you envision (and sometimes even something better)Content matters- Compelling yet informative content can be the most challenging aspect of any web site. We help review and audit your existing content to identify areas for improvement including key word inclusion, basic editing, and marketing advice. We can also write new content that is designed to engage your readers.
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