Primary/secondary Education - Tamarac, Florida, United States
The Rose Garden Academy (RGA) nurtures and challenges young minds to become confident, capable, and creative problem-solvers. Children are encouraged and challenged to learn, inquire and explore their community through an internationally-minded, inquiry-based program focused on mindfulness techniques, environmental consciousness and academics.The RGA is based on the principles of the International Baccalaureate (IB) of transdisciplinary, inquiry-based, and conceptual learning.The Rose Garden Academy Story- Once we (My husband & I) discovered the great news that we were going to be parents, in 2014, our goal in life was singular and clear - provide our child with everything needed to have a wonderful life and be an asset to their community. We decided that his/her community while inside of her Mother was going to be nothing short of ideal and once she/he came out into the world our mission was to remain the same - have our child exist in and experience an ideal environment so they could thrive.As our child, Harper Rose, approached the 1 year-old mark, we started giving a lot of thought to what aspects of her environment should we introduce to her for her to continue to grow in this very formative period. Our program "stool" has 3 legs and all were required for us to even consider signing Harper up to, since we feel they are what is required for our daughter to continuing growing into the person we desire her to be. The three legs (beliefs, practices) are - an inquiry-based approach to learning (Academics), be environmentally responsible (Planet-friendly), and to be an asset to her community (Mindfulness).What we sought for our daughter did not exist and so began the Rose Garden Academy. Strongly believing ourselves in Community, we quickly moved away from simply homeschooling our daughter and decided others should have the opportunity to this type of education program as well.