Rosen Chiropractic Coaching Details
A chiropractic coaching, consulting and practice management company dedicated to helping chiropractors THRIVE in a true wellness model of practice! We are dedicated to helping chiropractors create the practice and life of their dreams through our coaching, communication and educational systems and a congruent model of practice using a "care vs. scare" communication model.
5 - 9
Kula, HI, US
Not Available
chiropractic coaching
chiropractic consulting
chiropractic practice management
chiropractic practice success
true wellness model
care vs. scare
chiropractic coaching
chiropractic consulting
chiropractic practice management
chiropractic practice success
true wellness model
care vs. scare
chiropractic coaching
chiropractic consulting
chiropractic practice management
chiropractic practice success
true wellness model
care vs. scare