Nonprofit Organization Management - West Gosford, New South Wales, Australia
The Rotary Club of Gosford West provides a service to others, promotes integrity, and advances world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional and community leaders.Each Thursday, at 12:30pm our club meets to discuss how we can help our community and ways we can meet their needs. Currently our biggest project is the Wheelchair Project, where we provide new wheelchairs for people in developing countries. We purchase and deliver these wheelchairs for children, teenagers and adults in the Asia Pacific Region who need one, but simply cannot afford one. We want to continue our mission to provide wheelchairs to the vulnerable in Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Timor Leste, The Solomon Islands, Fiji and the Philippines.Since March of 2001 well over 50,000 wheelchairs have been delivered to more than 50 countries. Children can now go to school, adults can work and provide for their families, and the elderly can once again be a part of society. The wheelchairs being delivered in 5 sizes are designed to be easily usable and maintainable in developing countries. This type of folding wheelchair would normally sell for about $600.00 AUD in Australia. But for a donation of only $150.00 AUD, we can deliver a wheelchair to a person in need. These tangible, life changing wheelchairs get directly delivered to the people who need them. As Rotarians, civic leaders and professionals we have the ability to immediately improve the lives of disabled people, and to participate in an international service project that has succeeded far beyond anyone's expectations.