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Roularta HealthCare 360° is your one-stop-shop partner in all Healthcare communication.You want to cover congresses and make full use of the valuable content afterwards for sales and marketing purposes? Our Continuing Medical Education (CME) team takes care of your strategic roadmap and deals with the overall logistic project.E-learnings and Webinars are also products which we have dealth with for many companies & organisations, bringing the main message across to the target audience, and dealing with a full proof accreditation ready platform makes it even more interesting.Full coverage or just a visibility insert in our leading newspapers to reach out to your HCPs, print or online, you deal with us, we deal with your targets, with de Artsenkrant / le Journal du Médecin, de Apotheker / Le Pharmacien, AK Hospitals / JM Hospitals or to go more specific with the Belgian Oncology & hematology News. You want to bring a very specific message to your target audience, use our Mediscoop or Pharmascoop – in combination with the above titels, your message gets across guaranteed!As we are part of the Roularta Media Group, we can also offer coverage towards patients / consumers, all dealing with healthcare topics & products. So let it be very clear to you: you name it, we cover and deliver it!
MailChimp SPF
Mailchimp Mandrill
Microsoft Application Insights
Microsoft Azure