Animation - , ,
"Running Pictures" Animation Studio is a creative association of cartoon animation art. The keynote of association is production of artistic and commercial animations. The Studio specializes in D-Cinema. Motion Capture Sevices."Running Pictures" AS founders and core-team members have classic artistic or classic animation education. They are professionals in the areas of animation direction, painting, sculpture and architecture. They have already been engaged in 3D animation and digital cinema for 11 years. Their productions have won awards at animation and film festivals in Europe and the U.S. The experience embraces creation of: video presentations for video games; cinematic scenes on the game engine; unique animations for Cut Scene. The Studio widely uses modern technologies of animation industrial production including Motion Capture system, modules of front-rank graphic and animation packages for simulation of realistic motion of biological creatures, mechanical aggregates and simple physical objects."Running Pictures" Animation Studio is open for investments in the Studio development in the area of industrial production of full-length animated films and animation serials, creation of respectable animation company producing remarkable, competitive products for film distribution, TV, DVD sales.We always strive for excellence, trying to surpass the client's expectations.