Farming - Waipukurau, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
We exist to reduce injuries and save lives of people working on farms.Ag Sector injury and fatality statistics are improving, but there's lots of room for improvement here in NZ and around the world. We work together to share ideas, to challenge each other and to demonstrate safety on farm.Paperwork/compliance/BS... Nah - we want to show farmers that, done right, health and safety is PART of good business, not an afterthought or something for a rainy day.Often we hear farms lack a safety culture - we know that attitudes determine behaviours and culture is made up of behaviours repeated. So we all know where we need to work...+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++The Agricultural Leaders' Health and Safety Action Group (ALHSAG) is a membership organisation that brings together farmers, CEOs and senior leaders from agribusiness, agricultural industry groups and government through a commitment to make farming safer by sharing information and practical solutions to health and safety issues on farm.Businesses across the supply chain are involved, recognising that the whole sector benefits from improved health and safety.
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