Management Consulting - , , France
I n s p i r a t i o n a l S a f e t y L e a d e r s h i p - E n t r e p r e n e u r i a l A p p r o a c h - S W I S S b a s e d -"Uberization" and standard offers of the type "modern times" have reached their limit while you are still faced with the diktat of zero accidents! Our entrepreneurial approach, far from being politically correct, embraces diagnostics, training and digital applications to guarantee a sincere adherence of your staff to demonstrated results.SafetyNetwork® is an independent SWISS and self-funded global management consulting firm providing cutting-edge consulting in inspirational safety leadership, change management and human factor reliability.SafetyNetwork has a partnership with PIMAN Group, a leading provider of Artificial Intelligence & Digital Solutions for decision makers with a team of 300 consultants & 50 digital engineers, to provide cost effective, simple and motivational digital web & mobile applications for Health, Safety, Security, Environment & Business Continuity.SafetyNetwork® clients include the largest and most innovative companies in Europe, Middle East, Americas, Africa, Asia, Oceania and Russia.The Executive Team is composed of: - Edward ALLAN (Neuchâtel, Switzerland), - Sylvestre BERAUD (Lyon, France), - Ahmed ELMORSI (UAE, Abu Dhabi), - Jeffrey KOTT (Orlando, FL-USA), - Emmanuel HEMMERT (Luxemburg),supported by its Senior Executives Network (SEN), a team of more than 15 highly skilled multi cultural qualified experts with operational background.Expertise in: - "Make People Feel it" (MPFi) coaching to become an authentic influential leader.- "NUDGE" workshop to achieve non-forced compliance of groups & individuals.- "ODA" integrated & adaptive solution.- Organizational safety culture survey (360°).- Visible felt leadership roadmap.- Rituals, symbols, prohibitions & recognition cultural levers.- Human Factor Reliability workshops for shop floor employees.
Microsoft Office 365