Furniture - Kamard, Tehran Province, Iran
Eghtedari upholstary firm in 1989 with the support of nearly three decade of continous and successfull of Eghtedaris wood industry with the aim of presenting the most modern furniturestyle with the very high quality was stablishedThis setting in the begining stated its activity with the production furniture in different designing ,After a while with expressing and persisting on product the. Quality, became a famous brand ,designing modern style, using prime material with a very high quality, inovative design and benefiting from skillfull personel in production lines were the most important reason behind this valuable achievementthrough these years the Goup with the aim of creating more opportunity for customer selection ,has benefited from the best first level internal sample, which with this event managed to prenent more product varriation for customerAfter Aquiring Good achievement In sales up to 2007and preserring customer rights with observing and evaluating in sales unit oganization marketing from the need of customer, intered in the important field of importThe demand for product variation ,and the range of product style forced this organization importing upholstary from countries with sound industry like Turkey ,brazil and Malaysia that could manage to satisfy wide range of customers desireSince quality of product being up dated is the most important factor from customer point of view ,many work in the quality control and assessment of imported goods has been taken place in these years which has resultedin coopration with firms a especialisedin coopration with firmsin coopration with firms a especialised brand in uphulstered industry in EuropeThis great achievement is the result from sustain research and experience of organisation in observation and recognizing of different brands Importing upholster from abroad not only farm did not harm production but on the other hand has encouraged competition for all manufacturers,