Higher Education - San Francisco, California, United States
San Francisco Day School (SFDS) is a kindergarten through eighth gradecoeducation school. The SFDS mission is to educate, nurture and inspiregirls and boys of diverse backgrounds to achieve their highest academicand creative potential, to embrace ethical values and to become activecontributors to their communities.The School supports teachers to develop their skills continually throughprofessional growth activities. Faculty develop innovative approaches tocurriculum, based upon current educational research, best practices, andknowledge of state and national standards. To assure excellence, arigorous curriculum review process incorporates outside consultants,visits to model programs in other schools, research andself-examination.Diversity is an important component of the academic excellence of theSchool. In a school committed to a diverse student body, students learnlife lessons of understanding, acceptance, appreciation of differencesand the common ground that unites all. Learning occurs both within andoutside the confines of the School. Students learn to cooperate on theathletic fields, in classroom projects, and as leaders in the schoolcommunity. They grow to understand their place in the broader communitythrough a service learning program linked closely to the curriculum.They see their relationship with the natural world through an extensiveoutdoor education program.
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